Dialog Box

Talking about planning ahead with Vietnamese seniors


Our PCV team recently collaborated with the Australian Vietnamese Women’s Association (AVWA) to deliver a series of information sessions for Vietnamese seniors across Melbourne.

Nine sessions were held in total reaching over 320 participants. The sessions were presented by Associate Professor Barbara Hayes and Volunteer Facilitator Catherine Kelly. Both were ably assisted by Vietnamese interpreter, Sarina Phan.

The participants, all members of the AVWA’s Social Support Groups, were introduced to the idea of planning ahead for future healthcare needs. They were invited to reflect on questions such as ‘What would happen if you became very sick or had a serious accident and could not talk to your doctor about your own treatment?’ and ‘Who will help make medical decisions for you and how will they know what you would want?’. The sessions explored the steps involved in appointing a Medical Treatment Decision Maker and developing an Advance Care Directive.

The information generated much interest and discussion among the Vietnamese seniors, many of whom commented on the fact that the idea of advance care planning was a new concept for them. Participants were also provided with flyers in Vietnamese to further assist them in their planning.

We extend our appreciation to Kieu Thi, PAG Team Coordinator and all her team at AVWA, for the opportunity to deliver the sessions and for their amazing support and hospitality.

Article by:
Tonina Gucciardo-Masci
Community Engagement Manager
Palliative Care Victoria

31 October 2023
Category: General News
Tags: advance care planning, CALD, Community Member,