Dialog Box

Palliative care challenges for new Victorian state government

High quality palliative care for all Victorians

Palliative Care Victoria (PCV) congratulates Mr Daniel Andrews and the Victorian Labor on winning the 2022 Victorian State Election. 

PCV will continue to appeal to the Victorian government to commit to investment in palliative care, to meet the rapidly rising demand. 

This investment will ensure palliative care services can meet the growing demand and will cover the shortfalls that have been identified by ‘The Sustainability of palliative care in Victoria’ report, released by PCV in 2022. 

Alarming findings in the report have highlighted that although funding has increased, it has not kept pace with the increase in demand for services, and the rising cost of service delivery. 

Approximately 75% of service providers do not believe they can meet future demand. This means people with life limiting illnesses and their family are at increased risk of not having their needs met. 

With the projected 50% increase in need for palliative care by 2035, more Victorians will miss the care they deserve if we don’t start to prepare for the future, now. 

PCV CEO, Violet Platt says “Although the current situation and forecasts are concerning, the good news is that we have done the work to provide the government with the solutions that these issues require

We are encouraged by the support we have received during the campaign and are looking forward to our ongoing relationships with the Victorian government, as we continue to advocate for high quality palliative care for all Victorians. 

For media enquiries please contact:
Ed Hawke, Communications & Marketing Officer
Palliative Care Victoria
email: ehawke@pallcarevic.asn.au


01 December 2022
Category: Media Releases
Tags: palliative care,