Palliative Care Victoria is the peak body for palliative care and end of life care. Established in 1981, we are an incorporated association and charity supported by the Victorian Government, organisation and individual members, other groups and funders.
A founding and current member of Palliative Care Australia, we also contribute to national policies and initiatives in collaboration with the other state and territory palliative care peak bodies.

Our Vision, Mission & Values
All people with a life limiting illness and their families are supported to live, die and grieve well.
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Our Advocacy
We help many people with a life limiting illness and their families to access palliative care services and provide advice about their rights and avenues available to them to resolve any issues.
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Our Projects
Palliative Care Victoria undertakes projects to advance our strategic priorities and desired community outcomes.
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Our People
Palliative Care Victoria is an incorporated association and is governed by a voluntary Board of Directors.
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Keep up to date with Palliative Care Victoria's latest news.
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Reports & Plans
Read a collection of Palliative Care Victoria's strategic plans, annual general meetings and annual reports.
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