Understanding the Palliative Care Journey
This guide aims to help Aboriginal people, their families and services understand what this palliative care ‘journey’ may hold for them and achieve the best possible care.
Individuals may request a free copy of this guide here. Bulk purchase requests can be made here.
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About Aboriginal Palliative Care - Leaflet
Information for Aboriginal people and Torres Strait Islanders about the help available from palliative care on the journey to the Dreaming.
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Taking Control of Your Health Journey
An introduction about advance care planning for Aboriginal people and Torres Strait Islanders produced by Respecting Patient Choices.
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Australian Indigenous HealthInfoNet
The Palliative care and end-of-life portal is designed to assist the health workforce who provide care for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, their families and communities.
Access resources including brochures, handbooks, reports and audiovisual.
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Palliative Approach Learning Guide for Aboriginal Health Workers
A Learning Guide for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Professionals to accompany workshops by the IPEPA Program.
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Cultural considerations: providing end of life care for Aboriginal people
These guidelines outline practical considerations for providing person-centered palliative care and end of life care for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island people and their families, while being respectful of intercultural variations and individual choices.
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Sorry Business
This booklet supports Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people to journey into their wishes and preferences through ‘Sorry Business’ (life-limiting illness). Developed by PHN South Western Sydney in consultation with local indigenous communities, it has useful information about palliative care, where and how you can access it, how it can help and steps to take in planning ahead.
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VACCHO Website
VACCHO’s website includes information about its role and membership as the peak Aboriginal health organisation in Victoria, the cultural safety training and consultancy it offers.
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Addressing the gap in Aboriginal palliative care
Jill Gallagher AO, CEO of VACCHO, talks about the importance of providing culturally appropriate support for Aboriginal people during the journey home and the work being done through the Victorian Aboriginal Palliative Care Project to facilitate this.
Duration 9 mins.
Aboriginal Spirituality
Vicki Clark, a Mutti Mutti woman, talks about spirituality from the perspective of an Aboriginal woman.
Support available from Aboriginal health liaison workers
Suzanne Nelson, a Yorta Yorta woman and Aboriginal Health Liaison Worker, discusses how she supports Aboriginal people with a life limiting illness.
Duration 4 mins
Deep and respectful listening - insights into Aboriginal culture
The ABC Radio National Program, Awaye! explores the concept of ‘deep listening’ as it relates to Aboriginal culture and experience. It includes conversations with several Aboriginal people – the artist Vicki Couzens, the musician Lou Bennett and the educator Dr Doris Paton – who reflect on what deep, respectful listening means to them.